Fix Shopify Product SEO Issues
Video Demo
Watch this demo video to understand how to optimize the SEO of Shopify Products
Get Started
To get started, follow these instructions:
Open the Products Editor
Choose a product with a bad SEO score you want to fix
Follow the instructions on screen to fix the SEO of the Shopify Product
The next sections will go over each field and how to optimize them.
Product Title
SEOPro runs a SEO check for your Shopify Product Titles. It will check that:
Your targeted keyword is included in your title
There's at least 40 characters in the title
SEOPro will warn you if those conditions are not met and will help you improve your Shopify Product Title to ranking higher on Google.
Product Description
SEOPro runs a SEO check for your Shopify Product Description. It will check that:
Your targeted keyword is included at least twice in your description
There's at least 200 characters in your description
SEOPro will warn you if those conditions are not met and will help you improve your Shopify Product Description to ranking higher on Google.
Meta Description
SEOPro runs a SEO check for your Shopify Product Meta Description. It will check that:
Your targeted keyword is included in your meta description
That your meta description has an optimal number of characters
SEOPro will warn you if those conditions are not met and will help you improve your Shopify Product Meta Description to ranking higher on Google.
If you're on the Pro plan, SEOPro can generate an optimal meta description for you using AI trained on millions of meta descriptions.
Meta Title
SEOPro runs a SEO check for your Shopify Product Meta Title. It will check that:
Your targeted keyword is included in your meta title
That your meta title has an optimal number of characters
SEOPro will warn you if those conditions are not met and will help you improve your Shopify Product Meta Title to ranking higher on Google.
If you're on the Pro plan, SEOPro can generate an optimal meta title for you using AI trained on millions of meta titles.
Last updated