Bulk Update: Shopify Products SEO

Learn how to optimize the SEO of Shopify Products' title, meta description, image alt text and URL.

Page Title Bulk Editor Tool

  1. Choose the Shopify Product Page Title bulk editor

  1. Create a filter condition and click "update filter condition"

  1. Create a template by assembling template variables together, Then Click "Update Format"

  1. Look at the preview

  1. Start the bulk update tasks

Demo Video

Meta Description SEO Bulk Editor Tool

Repeat the same process to bulk optimize the SEO of Meta Description.

Alt Image Text SEO Bulk Editor Tool

Repeat the same process to bulk optimize the SEO of images' Alt Text.

Also, read this article: Bulk Update: Shopify Images Alt Text SEO

Product URL SEO Bulk Editor Tool

Repeat the same process to bulk optimize the SEO of Product URL.

Last updated